Electroless nickel plating, often abbreviated to ENP, is a term that refers to the process of depositing a nickel alloy coating using a chemical reduction without the need for an electric current.
What alloy is used in electroless nickel plating?
In an engineering setting, ENP generally uses a nickel-phosphorus alloy with between 2% and 14% phosphorus. Higher levels of phosphorus typically provide a greater resistance to corrosion; however, there is a compromise to be made here, as higher levels of phosphorus contribute to a reduction in overall hardness.
It is important to select the right ENP method for each application and ensure you are working with a trusted surface treatment specialist such as https://www.poeton.co.uk/surface-treatments/plating/electroless-nickel-plating.
The benefits of electroless nickel plating
According to the Nickel Institute, there are a number of benefits to using ENP. Notably, it provides excellent levels of resistance to a range of corrodents, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, and salt water. Deposits of between 10% and 14% phosphorus ensure there are no phase or grain boundaries present, which will prevent the development of corrosion initiation sites.
Additionally, the application of an electroless nickel coating can be completed in a highly uniform manner across a substrate, which includes inside tubing walls, holes, and slots. This makes it a highly cost-effective process for a range of applications and conditions where corrosion and wear can cause issues.
Does electroless nickel plating adhere well to substrates?
To ensure electroless nickel plating adheres well, it is essential to thoroughly and effectively clean the substrate, as insufficient cleaning can compromise this connection. When the surface of stainless steel has been properly prepared, the strength of the bond is typically between 160 and 200 Mpa. When working with carbon steel, good preparation can secure a bond strength of between 200 and 420 Mpa.
What can impact the quality of ENP?
Many factors can impact the overall quality of ENP. In addition to excellent surface preparation, it is important to carefully manage the plating baths throughout the process to achieve a consistent and high-quality finish.
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