If you’ve ever wondered about that sticky (and somewhat disgusting) stuff in your ears, you’re not alone! Cerumen, more commonly known as earwax, is something we all have, but few of us really understand what it is.
So, let’s take a closer look (not literally) to find out more about it. Read on to find out more.
What Exactly is Cerumen?
Cerumen is a natural substance produced by glands in your ear canal. It’s made up of a mix of dead skin cells, oils, and other secretions that work together to protect your ears. And while ear wax might seem a bit nasty, it actually plays an important role in keeping your ears healthy.
Why Do We Need Earwax?
Ear wax is like a built-in defence system for your ears. It helps trap dust, dirt and other tiny particles, preventing them from reaching deeper into your ear canal where they could cause infections or damage.
Plus, it has natural antibacterial properties, making it vital when it comes to keeping your ears clean and protected.
What Happens When Ear Wax Builds Up?
While ear wax usually clears itself out naturally, sometimes it can build up and lead to blockages which can cause symptoms like muffled hearing, discomfort or even dizziness.
If you’re dealing with any of these issues, it might be time to consider ear wax removal Swindon from specialists like https://www.earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/swindon/. Professional removal is a safe and effective way to clear out any blockages and keep your ears in top condition.
Should You Remove Ear Wax Yourself?
It might be tempting to reach for a cotton bud or another small object to clean your ears, but this can actually push the wax deeper and cause more problems. Instead, if you feel like your ears need a little extra help, seek professional advice for safe removal options.
Final Thoughts
Cerumen might not be glamorous, but it’s an important part of ear health, so don’t worry about it anymore. And if it is causing you problems, there are professionals who can help. So just ask.
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