Rubber is one of the most useful things that we have – places like this rubber moulding company produce all sorts of rubber products that are used in all sorts of things from central heating systems in our homes to vital parts in factory machinery.
One of the names that is closely associated with rubber is of course Goodyear, a key rubber producer, and best known for one of the most vital rubber products that we use – tyres.
As we head into winter, taking care of our cars so that they are safe and also last longer is important – and the tyres are one of the main things to think about as driving conditions become more challenging. Now is a good time to start thinking about winter car care, and it starts with the tyres.
The first thing that you need to do, if you use them, is remove your summer tyres. In the UK we have three different types of tyres – summer, winter and all weather. Most people do tend to use all weather tyres as this means that you don’t need to change them with the seasons, but if you are not sure it is best to check yours to see what they are.
Winter tyres are especially good for the winter, so if you live in a remote area where driving conditions can be hazardous or do a lot of winter driving, it might be best to put winter tyres on.
When you are driving in the winter, debris and dirt is more likely to build up on your tyres. This can be damaging, so make sure that you keep your tyres clean regularly to keep them in good condition.
During spells of cold weather make sure that you keep a close eye on your tyre pressure. Your car may monitor this and do it for you, however it is also good to check for yourself. The cold weather can affect the pressure in your tyres, so it is a good idea to do this regularly during a cold snap.
You should also be aware of the tread on the tyres. This is what helps you grip onto the road, so it is especially important during the winter when the roads can have water, snow and ice on them making it harder to grip onto the road.
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