Wondering where all your customers are? It could be down to your website’s user experience. Here are some of the reasons you might be struggling to get traffic to your site:
Weak SEO – If you haven’t been paying attention to search engine optimisation, there may be a few things wrong that can be fixed. Google is the top dog for free traffic but getting your site into the top search rankings is not easy. You need high quality content which is optimised with relevant keyword search terms. For advice on SEO Services Dublin, contact a site such as www.rycomarketing.ie/seo-services/
Weak backlinks – If you haven’t done any quality link building, you can safely assume that your site has little to no backlinks. Top quality backlinks that direct to your site improve authority rankings and make a site more likely to appear higher in search results.
Content is low quality – The odd mediocre blog entry isn’t going to cut it. A site needs the highest grade content that will engage readers enough to stay on the site. Try to think of exciting news or industry topics that provide value and benefit to the reader, using punchy paragraphs, lots of multimedia and images as well as interesting facts and figures.
Site isn’t user-friendly – You might have great content but if the site itself is horrible to navigate, you won’t get the traffic. Visitors will simply go elsewhere to find the information they require.
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